
Capital Raising

Raising capital is a serious task and often requires serious dedication, determination and patience.  It is a fundamental process that requires the business to be well organized and ready for new funding.  Capital can be raised in the form of debt, through a financial institution, or equity, through a financial backer whether it is an angel Read More

M&A as part of your Growth Strategy

Mergers and acquisitions make perfect sense in a variety of situations. For example, maybe an opportunity presents itself that requires fast, decisive action. Or maybe a competitive threat compels a defensive move to get bigger, faster. Here are five situations in which mergers and acquisitions have proven useful as a growth strategy: 1 – Fills critical gaps Read More

¿Que es una Valoración?

La valoración de negocios sirve para medir la efectividad de la gestión, planificar estratégicamente y definir un plan de acción que se traduzca en iniciativas concretas y medibles que contribuyan a generar valor a medio y largo plazo.  En este sentido, resulta clave conocer el justo valor de mercado de la empresa dado que no se Read More