Quality of Earnings

A quality of earnings reports assesses a company’s true financial performance and sustainability by analyzing key factors.  The purpose is to provide an unbiased evaluation of financial operations. It provides an in-depth evaluation of revenue quality, expense consistency, and potential adjustments, offering clear insights for investors and stakeholders.  The emphasis of this report is on earnings Read More

Earn-outs in M&A Transactions

Valuation and deal structure represent a critical step in executing M&A transactions.  Setting realistic expectations between the buyer and seller can improve the chance of getting the deal done. An earn-out is a risk allocation tool used in M&A transactions whereby a portion of the purchase price is deferred over a specific period of time and Read More


A carve-out represents the sale of a business unit, division or a part of an enterprise. Over the past few years, divestitures have accounted for a rapidly increasing portion of M&A activity.  The rationale behind carve-outs is to getting rid of business units or subsidiaries which don’t play a key role in the business and are Read More

Exit Planning

Exit planning is a critical yet underestimated financial planning task. For most entrepreneurs and business owners, the value of business is at least 50% of the owner’s net worth; in many cases it is up to 80-90% of the total net worth.  Exit planning focus on maximizing enterprise value. Why exit planning? 2/3 of the US Read More

Capital Raising

Raising capital is a serious task and often requires serious dedication, determination and patience.  It is a fundamental process that requires the business to be well organized and ready for new funding.  Capital can be raised in the form of debt, through a financial institution, or equity, through a financial backer whether it is an angel Read More

Term Sheet

A term sheet is a non-binding document which outlines the key financial terms and conditions of a proposed investment. that lays out the proposed terms and conditions under which an investor will make an equity investment in a company.  Essentially, a term sheet sets out the key points of a potential deal – a framework for Read More

M&A as part of your Growth Strategy

Mergers and acquisitions make perfect sense in a variety of situations. For example, maybe an opportunity presents itself that requires fast, decisive action. Or maybe a competitive threat compels a defensive move to get bigger, faster. Here are five situations in which mergers and acquisitions have proven useful as a growth strategy: 1 – Fills critical gaps Read More

Buy-Sell Agreement

El Buy-Sell Agreement es un acuerdo entre los accionistas de una empresa que asegura la continuidad de la misma en caso de que suceda algún evento imprevisto como muerte, separación, retiro, quiebra, renuncia o venta de las acciones de algún accionista. El objetivo del acuerdo es garantizar la continuidad de la empresa y protegerla de cualquier Read More

Exit Planning

Cuando se trata de vender una empresa, es crucial tener una estrategia que permita a la parte vendedora optimizar el valor de la misma y eliminar todos los riesgos asociados con una transacción de compra-venta al momento del cierre. La mayoria de los empresarios no han estado expuestos a este tipo de transacciones y en la mayoria Read More

Due Diligence

Representa el proceso de análisis, revisión, investigación y validación de información cualitativa y cuantitativa durante el proceso de compra-venta. Hay distintos tipos de due diligence pero los mas comunes son el financiero, legal y operacional. Sullivan Consulting se especializa en el due diligence financiero. Sin duda alguna, representa uno de los más críticos y relevantes a Read More